- Photos from the gallery, placed randomly, give an overview of the life of the Friborg Grenadier Contingent through the years.
- Photos of services and events are now in a cloud where everyone can shop for photos.
-Just register onthe intranet To have access to the photo cloud, this access is reserved for active members and Honorary and Veteran members of the Contingent.
- Your photos, your archives as well as press articles are welcome to complete the gallery.
- Do you have videos? Send us the Youtube links!
Image gallery
In services
In the press
The History of the Contingent by Christian Python
Blessing of the new flag and passage under the Estavayer flags September 21, 2019
115th Market Competition in Saignelégier August 12, 2018
Imperial jubilee in Rueil-Malmaison 2012
Blessing of the new flag and passage under the flags Estavayer-le-Lac September 21, 2019.